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Writer's pictureDorsa Sajedi

Editing For Crimes Forgotten

10 fun days in the editing suites: my fun prediction was 13 drafts, but it ended up being... *drumroll* 15 drafts.

Currently awaiting some final bits of feedback and hoping to hit picture lock by the end of today! I'm writing this post to recount these past few days in the editing suites. Firstly, I believe I have mentioned this in a previous post (if I have, apologies for the repetition, it's been a while) it was really helpful that I had done the following:

  1. Taken several screen-grabs of each of the shots/most of the takes at the end of every shoot date for reference (for blogs, convenience, script supervision, referencing, helping creative thought, etc.) yes I lost some sleep, but it was worth it.

  2. Transcribed my handwritten script supervision notes onto a word document, while watching each shot and elaborating on my notes (this helped especially on the day where we were filming one scene across two days - and then also helped me a lot in the editing suite, as I was already familiarised with the footage we had gotten)

I cannot stress how helpful it was to have all of this, which is why I will most likely script supervise again next year for the grad film I'll end up editing. A bonus thing that I did, as I was the one to collect rushes, and after our first day of shooting (where we filmed all of scene 3) was that I made a very very very rough draft of the third scene, as it was the shortest scene of the film. Surprisingly, it's not changed all that much for the final cut! But I only really managed to do so as we had the following day free, and were shooting again on the Wednesday.

In terms of receiving and working on feedback that I've received from my director, producer, other crew members, my peers, and of course, our editing lecturer, I would keep track of all of these notes in a daily 'editing log' where I would colour code the bits of feedback that I had worked on, or found that some bits didn't work, etc. I've attached screenshots of all of my logs below:

My messy but-its-helpful-to-keep-track-of-things editing log notes

It was tough but we got there! And I sadly forgot to take a photo of me in the editing suite after hitting picture lock... but I'll remember next time (hopefully). Exports have been semi-sorted and ready to hand off to colour grade and sound!

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