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Writer's pictureDorsa Sajedi

Editing-Catered 'Script Breakdown'

For this post, I will be breaking down elements of the script to help me do the following:

  • Wishlist that will help me when cutting the story together.

  • Consider questions about the formal considerations of the director.

Note, these are additional highlights on my already annotated script - so pay mind only to the purple highlights.

PAGE 1, beginning of Script

These questions would go towards our cinematographer as well, but I would be interested to know as to what the opening shot/series of shots will be. Already aware that the pacing will be slow, do we see instances of maybe the fur of the rabbit (or whatever we use to imitate this) and only see the rabbit completely when it is placed in the bed of flowers OR is it made clear to us in the beginning that this is exactly what he is taking a photograph of. My perception is that it will be slowly unravelled, aiding the desired pacing of the film. I believe it's important for me to be aware of exactly how this character is presented to us at the very beginning to understand how to progress from there - how much do we know already, etc. Although these answers would be made clear to me after filming, it would be beneficial to know as soon as possible to begin planning around that.

PAGE 1, further down.

This sequence, where we are moving towards The Photographer's discovery, how will the sequence work? Looking further into this, it's clear that the progression leads to our discovery of "animalistic features," giving us clues of what we're looking at before we've seen it. But, I'm curious as to how we will go about this revelation in regards to the shots that we will take - this would help me construct this discovery sequence.

PAGE 1, end.

We know how he's feeling - he's hesitant, stressed, but he's still willing to go through all of this to get what he wants. But how will we portray this visually? - and, How will I construct this feeling in the edit? I know that these are questions that will be answered in due time, but it is important to consider now.

PAGE 2, midway.

Reading the script, there's a clear question of what kind of person this character is. We see him take a photo of a dead rabbit, which is arguably already strange, but then we see how he leaves it - almost with respect and as if he's thanking the rabbit. Unrelated to the genre, but when I think of a dead body in a bed of flowers I think of Rue in the hunger games and how Katniss put her there as a symbol of respect.

When he starts taking the clothes off, one may think that there are sinister tones there, but in this case, there is not. We see how he treats the rabbit with care, and we expect him to do the same with the body. We're forced to draw comparisons between the rabbit and the human body because that's a clear connection we can make. I believe a beneficial question to ask the director when making the edit is what he was and is intending with painting this constant comparison between the rabbit and the human corpse?

PAGE 3, end.

When he closes the corpses eyes, this can be perceived as a sign of respect similarly to when the rabbit was placed in the bed of flowers. The script mentions that the character is happy with the photographs he has taken, and so he calms down. But I'm personally surprised as to how calm he is seeing the phone of the victim ring. Maybe he's jealous, as his mum doesn't pick up the phone? Maybe he truly thinks that he hasn't done something wrong here, and so it doesn't bother him anymore? Maybe he was more worried about being seen fiddling with the corpse and taking photographs of it? But, in conclusion, why is he so calm seeing the phone of the victim ring? I feel that this is a key to understanding more about the character, thus helping me construct his personality and emotions accurately in the edit.

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