Since it's been a while and this is a role I’m not all so confident with, I did some research on ScreenSkills on what a producer is (inc. the subsidiary roles that often stem from it). I’ve attached a photograph of these notes below.
This is the first creative project I’ve worked on where I’m not needed on set, which is somewhat upsetting but beneficial in this setting to ensure our subject’s comfort. We’ve talked to Chloe briefly on the 2nd of October and then met her in person (the entire crew) on the 5th of October. She is a lovely character, and (as expected) is very colourful and fashionable — the exact factor that caught my eye to join this group! At this point in time, we have completed one shoot day (skeleton crew - sound, director, cinematographer) on the 14th of October, and are looking to do another one tomorrow.
We are in a lucky position as we’ve already secured the ability to film in our desired locations, have figured out the best times to do so to ensure nobody else is disrupted, and our cinematographer has access to her own bits of equipment which she is using a lot of the time. I have so far booked out equipment twice [EDIT: the second time had to be canceled/rescheduled just now due to personal emergencies within the group]
I am normally the editor within projects (as it is what I want to specialise in) but due to considerations of other module deadlines, I settled for the role of producer instead. I hope that I do a good job, I am excited to see how things progress within this project! [EDIT, ADDED AT A LATER DATE] To offer my support to the group, I also transcribed the interviews that they had with Chloe to allow them to highlight and identify the most interesting/key bits that we want to pick out for the edit. I’ve attached screenshots of this document below!